Receiving a message

Receiving a message

There are two steps that the EOA on the destination chain must do in order to receive and execute a message.

  1. Listen for the CallMessage event emitted by the xCall contract on the destination chain that has the same serial number as the request from the source.
  2. Invoke the executeCall method on the xCall contract on the destination chain. Pass the request id and calldata from the CallMessage event as arguments.

Listen for CallMessage event

When the xCall contract on the destination chain receives the call request, it emits the following event for notifying the user.

 * Notifies the user that a new call message has arrived.
 * @param _from The BTP address of the caller on the source chain
 * @param _to A string representation of the callee address
 * @param _sn The serial number of the request from the source
 * @param _reqId The request id of the destination chain
 * @param _data The calldata
void CallMessage(String _from, String _to, BigInteger _sn, BigInteger _reqId, byte[] _data);

To minimize the gas cost, the calldata payload delivered from the source chain are exported to event _data field, instead of storing it in the state db. The _data payload should be repopulated by the user (or client) when calling the following executeCall method. Then xCall compares it with the saved hash value to validate its integrity.

Invoke executeCall

After CallMessage Event is observed by EOA, he invokes the following method on xCall with the given _reqId and _data.

 * Executes the requested call message.
 * @param _reqId The request id
 * @param _data The calldata
void executeCall(BigInteger _reqId, byte[] _data);

When the EOA calls executeCall method, the xCall contract invokes the following predefined method in the target dApp with the calldata associated in _reqId.

 * Handles the call message received from the source chain.
 * Only called from the Call Message Service.
 * @param _from The BTP address of the caller on the source chain
 * @param _data The calldata delivered from the caller
void handleCallMessage(String _from, byte[] _data);

If execution fails on the destination chain, handleCallMessage may also need to be defined in the source chain Smart Contract A in order to handle the executeRollback (opens in a new tab) invocation properly. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

CallExecuted Event

To notify the execution result of dApp's handleCallMessage method, the following event is emitted after its execution.

 * Notifies that the call message has been executed.
 * @param _reqId The request id for the call message
 * @param _code The execution result code
 *              (0: Success, -1: Unknown generic failure, >=1: User defined error code)
 * @param _msg The result message if any
void CallExecuted(BigInteger _reqId, int _code, String _msg);


Waiting for the xCall related events is the same process as waiting for any other event in a JVM (ICON) chain or EVM chain.

The following is an example of waiting for the CallMessageSent event on a cross-chain message originating on ICON:

const IconService = require("icon-sdk-js");
const { HttpProvider } = IconService.default;
// RPC node for the ICON network
const ICON_RPC_URL = "";
const HTTP_PROVIDER = new HttpProvider(ICON_RPC_URL);
const ICON_SERVICE = new IconService.default(HTTP_PROVIDER);
 * filterEvent - filters the event logs
 * @param {object} eventlogs - the event logs
 * @param {string} sig - the signature of the event
 * @param {string} address - the address of the contract
 * @returns {object} - the filtered event logs
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error filtering the event logs
function filterEvent(eventlogs, sig, address) {
  return eventlogs.filter(event => {
    return (
      event.indexed &&
      event.indexed[0] === sig &&
      (!address || address === event.scoreAddress)
 * parseCallMessageSentEvent - parses the CallMessageSent event logs
 * @param {object} event - the event logs
 * @returns {object} - the parsed event logs
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error parsing the event logs
function parseCallMessageSentEvent(event) {
  const indexed = event[0].indexed || [];
  const data = event[0].data || [];
  return {
    _from: indexed[1],
    _to: indexed[2],
    _sn: indexed[3],
    _nsn: data[0]
async function main() {
  // hash of the cross chain transaction
  const txHash = "0x123..";
  // signature for the event
  const callMessageSentSignature = "CallMessageSent(Address,str,int,int)";
  // address of the xcall contract
  const xCallContractAddress = "cx123..";
  // get the transaction result
  const txResult = await ICON_SERVICE.getTransactionResult(txHash).execute();
  // filter the CallMessageSent event logs
  const filteredEvent = filterEvent(
  // parsing the CallMessageSent event logs
  const parsedEvent = parseCallMessageSentEvent(filteredEvent);
  console.log("parsedEvent", parsedEvent);

The following code sample showcase how to wait and fetch the CallMessage event of the destination chain in a cross chain message scenario where the destination chain is an EVM chain.

const fs = require("fs");
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// RPC of the node in the destination chain
const EVM_RPC_URL =
// Private key of the wallet in the destination chain
const WALLET_PK = "0x0123...";
// btp network label of the origin chain, in this example Berlin Testnet from ICON
const NETWORK_LABEL_ORIGIN = "0x7.icon";
// Address of the dApp contract in the destination chain
const EVM_DAPP_ADDRESS = "0x0123...";
// Address of the dApp contract in the origin chain
const ICON_DAPP_ADDRESS = "cx123...";
// path to the xcall contract abi
const XCALL_ABI_PATH = "./xcallAbi.json";
// address of the xcall contract in the destination chain
const XCALL_ADDRESS_DESTINATION = "0x0123...";
 * sleep - sleeps for the specified amount of time
 * @param {number} ms - the amount of time to sleep in milliseconds
 * @returns {Promise} - the promise to sleep
async function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
 * filterCallMessageEventEvm - filters the CallMessage event logs
 * @param {string} iconDappAddress - the address of the ICON dapp
 * @param {string} evmDappAddress - the address of the EVM dapp
 * @param {string} sn - the serial number cross chain transaction
 * @returns {object} - the filtered event logs
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error filtering the event logs
function filterCallMessageEventEvm(iconDappAddress, evmDappAddress, sn) {
  const btpAddressSource = `btp://${NETWORK_LABEL_ORIGIN}/${iconDappAddress}`;
  const xcallContract = getXcallContractObject();
  const callMessageFilters = xcallContract.filters.CallMessage(
  return callMessageFilters;
 * waitEventEVM - waits for the event to be emitted
 * @param {object} filterCM - the filter for the event
 * @returns {object} - the event logs
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error waiting for the event
async function waitEventEVM(filterCM) {
  const contract = getXcallContractObject();
  let height = await contract.provider.getBlockNumber();
  let next = height + 1;
  console.log("block height", height);
  while (true) {
    if (height == next) {
      await sleep(1000);
      next = (await contract.provider.getBlockNumber()) + 1;
    for (; height < next; height++) {
      console.log(`waitEventEvmChain: ${height} -> ${next}`);
      const events = await contract.queryFilter(filterCM, height);
      if (events.length > 0) {
        return events;
 * getXcallContractObject - gets the xcall contract object
 * @returns {object} - the xcall contract object
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error getting the xcall contract object
function getXcallContractObject() {
  try {
    const contract = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(XCALL_ABI_PATH));
    const abi = contract.abi;
    const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(EVM_RPC_URL);
    const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET_PK, provider);
    const contractObject = new ethers.Contract(
    return contractObject;
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error("Error getting Xcall contract");
async function main() {
  // Serial number of the crosschain message
  const crossChainMessageSN = "0x1";
  // filter call message event evm
  const callMessageEventEvmFilters = filterCallMessageEventEvm(
    "\n# call message event evm filters:",
  // wait for call message event evm
  const eventsEvm = await waitEventEVM(callMessageEventEvmFilters);
  console.log("\n# events params:");